What is Love?

We are told in 1 John 4:16 that “God is love.” It seems a simple and, by now, obvious thing to say, but what does it really mean? It turns out that most of what we think it means has been determined by straight, white men, which means that our understanding of love and all its related fields – sex, …

I AM Anarchy

(Warning: Some of the video links in this message contain strong language.  It’s okay.  The Apostle Paul did it, too.) The teenage years can be confusing and awkward and mine were no exception.  I made questionable hairstyle choices – some things never change! – and thought that Ronald Reagan was the Messiah – thankfully some things do change!  At the …

A Guide in the Desert

At times, we all need a guide: Someone who listens to our life story with an ear for the movement of the Holy. Spiritual direction as a practice in the Christian tradition flourished during the time of the Desert Fathers and Mothers (between 300-600 CE). Something about being alone out there in the desert, looking to a) survive and b) grow as a Jesus- follower really foregrounded the need for some wise companionship. Someone to help you trust in the process and to say again and again “you are not alone” and “God meets you in this very moment.”