DART Stations of the Cross 2011 A letter from Scott Shirley and a call for writes, poets, artists, and whosoever feels called to participate in crafting an experience of the Stations of the Cross on the DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit). Follow the link to learn more http://ht.ly/4hOce.
Be Not Afraid
But Yahweh doesn’t stop there. He also speaks to the objection in Jeremiah’s heart, the one too tender to name. Yahweh, firmly and lovingly tells him “Do not be afraid, I am with you.”
What is the relationship between fear and responding to God’s call? I think the two may be more intertwined than we realize.
Church as body not building
Paul outlines in his letter to the Corinthians a vision of a church which is not a building, but a body of people, caring for one another, sharing the work of God in the world. As a church without a building, I wonder how this description sounds to our community. The past few months I have been reflecting a lot on our worship space and feel grateful for it. I love that we are nestled there in between a view of pond and ducks on one side and the sounds of basketball games on the other. We worship between creation and community, with no where to hide except perhaps in the shadow of God’s wings.
The Art of Cultivating Relationships
While it may be those on the emergent spectrum that really give voice to relationality and friendship as a spiritual practice, people on the Way have been doing it since the beginning of the Church –and have also have been humbled by the task.
Fox 4
So Scott Shirley and I will be on Fox 4 news tonight at 5:30 talking about how we use social networking in our church. They wanted to see me in action in my regular life, so it was pretty hectic as I was the parent volunteer in our Montessori Coop this morning. And baby Perl had to go to the emergency …