Sometimes, doing exactly what we want is the path to destruction. But sometimes it’s the path to joy. I don’t feel like writing a blog post today, so I will be brief. I’m much more joyful this holiday season than I have been for a while. I’m not really sure why, but that’s how I feel. Other people are not …
Love in a Time of Need
I’ve been pushing “weak theology” recently. I’m not sure there’s a better example of it than the Christmas story. According to “strong theology,” God is this perfect, non-contingent being. That is, God relies on nothing, needs nothing. And yet, the story that Christians tell about God coming into the world has God showing up as a helpless little baby, the …
Christmas Carol Breakfast
I will be brief. We’re leaving town in a few hours. I will be out this Sunday for a whirlwind tour of our families. The truth is, I’m sad to miss this Sunday. One of the things that Church in the Cliff does well is that we adjust to the moment. It has been a very busy time with the …