Creation Care or Christians: Food

Y’all know I love food. I was at home in New Orleans where the primary lunch conversation was what we would have for dinner. Our conversation on Sunday was a little different. It was largely about restriction, what we won’t eat and why. That’s a good conversation to have, especially when the environment is our focus. We talked about the …

The Cleanse

Some of you might know that I started a 21-day cleanse diet on Monday.  This is probably not “church news,” but I wanted to explain some of my thinking because I am looking at it as a spiritual practice. I should start by explaining what it is.  It is vegan, but that’s not all.  It also eschews alcohol, caffeine, carbs, …

It’s a Miracle. Or Not.

As promised, we’re done with the Apostle Paul for a bit.  I hope that we have gained a more generous view of Paul that acknowledges his deep love for a gospel of justice and peace even where his writing can, at times, be problematic.  Now we’re going back to the Gospels, so more stories and less jibber-jabber.  Specifically, we are …