CONNECT WITH US.VISIT US.SUNDAY MORNINGService at 11 a.m. 1233 Newport Ave., Dallas, TX WEDNESDAY NIGHTS.See Facebook for location. FOLLOW US.#CHURCHISH@churchinthecliffLike Us on FacebookREQUEST PRAYER. ASK QUESTIONS. RENT OUR SPACE. SEND FEEDBACK. Name* First Last What would you like to contact us about?*QuestionsPrayer RequestsUsing Our SpaceFeedbackPastoral CounselSomething ElseWhat do you want to use the space for?*EventMeetingOffice SpaceOtherRental Date Rental Time : HH MM AM PM Phone*Email* Tell us about how you'd like to use our space and what you'll need:What would you like prayer for?*Would you like someone to contact you about this prayer request?*YesNoHow can we help you?*CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ This iframe contains the logic required to handle AJAX powered Gravity Forms.