So Meta

So I’m working on the book (it’s going terribly; thanks for asking!) and I had an outline that I felt pretty good about. The conceit of the book was to try to find a few things that progressive Christians might say in common that would provide a path forward for those who are just beginning to deconstruct. I decided not …

Undone by Love: The Redoing (Program)

This is from a couple of weeks ago.  (Still catching up from vacation and the beginning of school.)  For this service, we broke up into small groups.  A portion of our “Prayers of the People” from the series was read followed by a moment of silent reflection and then some discussion questions.  At the end of the service, participants were …

Undone by Love: The Redoing

Before I moved to Dallas, I was a manager in the Information Systems department of a medium-sized company that owned funeral homes and cemeteries.  Yes, even funeral homes have information systems.  And, yes, I was a nerd.  The part of my job that I liked the most was facilitating groups of people in a software design process.  I got to …

Undone by Love: The Other

Before Church in the Cliff opened, Lisa and I went to Cathedral of Hope a few times.  One time, during the passing of the peace, I turned and encountered a transgender person.  I was taken aback.  My mind couldn’t register him or her.  I didn’t even know what pronouns to use.  Then I had an epiphany: God is like that.  …

Undone by Love: The Alien (Program and Sermon)

Program Scriptures An Immigrant’s Prayer by Remigio Hernandez Sermon I know we’re always looking for ways to annoy our fundamentalist friends and family, so here’s something: the exodus, the central narrative of the Jewish tradition and the paradigm for the Christian journey, didn’t really happen.  It’s true.  There’s a pretty substantial archaeological record from the period it would have happened, …

Undone by Love: The Alien

Last week we talked about the earth as neighbor, one who shows us compassion. She provides the possibility of life, so it seems a peculiar act of violence to carve her up like the concubine at Gibeah (Judges 19). We imagine ourselves as God separating the light from the dark. In a tragically misguided sense, that is exactly what we …