Wine, Water and Fire

Dear friends,

Peace be with you: Peace of a star that reminds you that God is bringing forth something new. Peace like the smile of a babe, unaware of their vulnerability and open to the world. Peace in your heart as you journey with a gift in your bag. Peace of a God who is with us even when we don’t feel especially peaceful.

Tonight and Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany: a moment where wine, water, and fire all meet. We remember Jesus, both as a babe receiving visitors from the East and his rebirth in the river Jordan. And we remember his first miracle or sign, prompted by a mama who would not let good folk be put to shame. And so Jesus intervened to keep the party going– to let the wedding celebration at Cana continue with enough wine for everyone (John 2:1-11).

Beautiful words from the prophet Isaiah accompany this feast day: “As you behold, you will glow; Your heart will throb and thrill” 60:5. The prophet reminds us that God’s glory is manifest in God’s people. Today we proclaim not only the light that shines through the Christ child but also the Christlight that flows through each one of us. As Barbara Brown Taylor writes “Jesus comes to bring God’s own light into the world, not to keep it for himself. He comes to set other people on fire, not just to burn like a torch all on his own.” (Feasting on the Word, 199).

How do we get ahold of this flame to warm and reshape our hearts? Here is the best part. There is nothing more to do. No expectations to try harder or to reach farther. Instead, today we get to behold the mystery of Christ-Sophia’s glow until we glow ourselves. We get to pass the gold and frankincense around as if it belonged to the whole lot of us. And we get to rest in the presence of God, whose dawn has broken not only upon those bringing special gifts, but upon each one of us.

Light and all the good,


PS Lori, our resident Sommelier, is leading us in a wine tasting of Epiphany-themed varieties tonight and Teri is organizing crafts and tasty vittles (see her invite below). Not into wine? Come create a crown and spend time with friends. All are welcome! Horsey House 830 N. Bishop Ave.

Also join us for worship this Sunday–there will be fire floating on water and a special Epiphany blessing for your home.

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