I was watching Bill Maher this week in tiny increments between paper writing as I nibbled on a sandwich. One of his guests was Jimmy Kimmel, who I, if I may speak openly, do not care for too much. Normally, Bill’s guests are asked questions about pressing issues of the day, but Kimmel was asked about television industry decisions and …
Jubilee: Sabbath for the Land
Vote on Ordination Jubilee Sallie McFague is one of my personal saints. She’s a theological scholar who manages to jump out of every box people put around her, and is a strong voice for ecological and gender justice. She writes in ways compelling both to theological academics and to justice-minded church-goers alike; her work is on the ground and relevant …
The Promised Land
The Week’s Events Jubilee Ordination Candidate Forum About a month ago, a few of us went to hear Kathryn Tanner speak on the ways that finance intersects with our Christian commitments. This was not your average stewardship discussion. While I disagreed with some of her premises, the questions she was asking were fascinating. It just so happens that they intertwine …