Advent Programs

Got a little behind in the end-of-school/Christmas rush.  Ready to get back to my normal level of disorganization. Advent Week 1 Advent Week 2 Advent Week 3 Advent Week 4 Christmas Eve

Advent: Love All

Advent is a time of waiting, no time more so than the final Sunday of Advent when we can finally see the light on the horizon.  And no year in my admittedly short memory of Advent seems like so painful a wait, so desperate a time to be on the threshold of a new year.  I wonder what will be …

Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully (in which the author takes issue, as is his way)

This year Church in the Cliff is participating in Advent Conspiracy, which seeks to turn Christmas upside down, to remind us of the meaning of God coming into the world.  Advent Conspiracy asks us to reconsider the consumerism of the Christmas season, to avoid the stress of malls, the debt of buying things we can’t afford, and the downright silliness …