We are launching a new paradigm for worship and study at Church in the Cliff this week. Come tonight and Sunday to learn more! As part of this new practice we will be drawing our scriptural lesson from the revised common lectionary (which provides four lessons for each Sunday). The worship team commits to engaging the scripture and seeing what speaks to the life of our church and all are invited to join in the conversation!
This Sunday we will be reading
James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17 and talking about
Welcoming Visitors.
As we say goodbye to Amy, Ed, and Penelope and bless them for their journey we will prayerfully consider how we can welcome newcomers the way that we hope this special family is recieved by others in DC.
Join us for a soulful practice of resting in scripture and listening to and learning from each other’s lives.
Tonight Richie and I are hosting.
304 Archer Ave Dallas TX 75211.
Join us, call if you get lost 214 233-4605
“The spiritual life is first of all a life. It is not merely something to be known and studied, it is to be lived.” — Thomas Merton
This week I have been thinking about how to best care for one another. Community care and social justice are really two sides of the same coin. We embody radical love for neighbor both through our volunteering/donations out in the world and in the way we attend to those within our congregation who are facing challenging times. Things like bringing food to a family that just had a baby, or taking someone who has lost their job or gone through a recent divorce out to lunch to check on them and see how we could help. Offering your truck to move a friend, reaching out to a new member or someone you haven’t seen in a while.
So many of these things are happening organically in our church which I take to be an indicator of its health and vitality. There are times, however, where I would like to have a group of folks to work with in supporting a particular family or community member going through a rough patch. Something like a community care team to hold confidential concerns and brainstorm supportive options. We have several chaplains and others in our midst who could give additional training to this team of people in how to offer a ministry of accompaniment. Life is bumpy. And I think here at Church in the Cliff we want to cultivate a space where it is ok, encouraged even, to ask for help. It can be a gift in a world where people live so isolated in their little boxes to share our vulnerability with one another. Loving the world back to life, starting with ourselves.
Interested in learning more about the team? Needing some support? Talk to me, call the church number 214 233-4605 or email churchinthecliff@gmail.com.
thanks, Courtney