This is the season when our vulnerability meets God’s vulnerability. We wrap a ring of quiet around ourselves, so that we might hear the tinkling bells of eternity slipping into our time… We light our Christ candle and say again to our weary selves and our love-sick world that God is with us.
Join us this Sunday for worship full of candle light and old familiers and next Thurs at our Epiphany partay to live into the twelve holy days and twelve starry nights of Christmas.
Thurs Jan 6 Epiphany Wine-Tasting and Crown-Making Party. 6:30pm Christmastide is the hammock which catches you if you fall off the Cliff on the evening of the Remember we are gifted with twelve holy days and twelve starry nights in which to celebrate Emmanuel, or God with us. Round out the season at our Epiphany party with Lori, our resident Sommelier, and explore some Ephiphany-themed wines (all under $15!) and/or make some special crafts to take home (crowns, doorway blessings etc). Horsey House, 830 N. Bishop Ave.
Nothing is Wasted: Advent and Christmastide at Church in the Cliff
What does a composter have to do with Advent? This is the season of holy and growing darkness, of darkness that is alive! Advent darkness holds a lot inside, like rich back dirt. The liturgical color, deep blue/black, has a velvety depth and reminds us that dark can be a color of its own. And that God is at work in the dark. And we wait in this season for the Christ Child but also we wait and watch for our own transformation: trusting that nothing in our lives is ever wasted. God can recycle our failures and hold our sadness, grief, and confusion. We are installing our composter into a little enclosed garden by the west entrance to the Kidd Springs Recreation Center. (No we don’t have official permission, per se, but how much trouble can we get into for donating a composter to a garden?) All are invited to collect your veggie scraps, egg shells, and coffee/tea grinds during Advent and drop them off in the composter on your way to worship. 11:08 am. 711 W. Canty
Comments 2
I suggest the logo for “the CitC” be the semicolon. (taken from blog post in latest Emergent C article)
In Praise of the Semicolon
Never put a period,
or colon or even a comma
where God put a semicolon.
Unlike the settled-
or the colon’s
invitation to see all
or the exclamation point’s
screaming, insistent
or even the lighthearted
comma with its
sabbath pause
the outrageous
semicolon holds
us in the middle
without yielding to one
thing or the other.
It’s so easy to get lost
along the way where
there is so much
pushing and pulling.
God I believe;
Help my unbelief.
Amen; Life.
Alan, i love it. thanks for sharing. i relate to that tension and feel the fullness of living in inbetween time. btw this would make good liturgy… it will probably find its way into church some day soon. peace to you, courtney