We have mined the tradition, we have examined our own lives, we have experimented. Some practices didn’t go so well. Wednesday night labyrinth walk drowned out by torrential rain. Basil plants cultivated in worship that didn’t make it at home. But some practices have been beautiful to experience. Evelyn leading us in body prayer under the skylight. A clothesline full of pictures made by people willing to be vulnerable together. Sacred hand holding, reminding each other of the gift of touch, the gift of people to walk with on our journey.
Centering Summer.
Labyrinth Walking
Body Prayer
Cultivating Relationships
Hanging out with Children
Tonight we are celebrating that God meets us in and through these practices. And beyond.
We’re wrapping up our summer series on spiritual practices with an old fashioned ice cream social and t-shirt making party. Paul has the Cliff Clavin CitC design ready, so bring a t-shirt for printing (pre-washed and the color of your choice, he will be using black ink.) We’ll have sloppy joes and potato salad for dinner. Bring your favorite flavor of ice cream and drinks.
221 S. Edgefield Ave. 6:30pm. All are welcome.
Grace and Peace to you all this day,