Water in the Cave

This Lent we gather in the cave: an ancient place of protection and encounter with God. We draw our attention to the sound of moving water as it trickles down cave walls and drips into shallow pools. We sit this week with lectionary passages full of water stories. The Exodus passage (17:1-6) recounts the struggles of the Israelites wandering in …

A message from Huma-Faith

Baquee says: Greetings of peace to all!!! Though I know Forest Hill, Huma-Faith’s project for women with children may be out of the service area for Church in the Cliff. We desperately need assistance with repairing a small roof leak and replacing 2 studs and sheet rock under one of the living room windows. We need skilled volunteers or assistance …

Call for Artists and Poets – DART Stations 2011

DART Stations of the Cross 2011 A letter from Scott Shirley and a call for writes, poets, artists, and whosoever feels called to participate in crafting an experience of the Stations of the Cross on the DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit). Follow the link to learn more http://ht.ly/4hOce.

Keeping the Prophets Alive

This Lent we explore the cave, an ancient meeting-place for the Divine. Last week we journeyed with the prophet Elijah, running from Queen Jezebel’s death threat to the cave on Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:1-13). We imagined ourselves in his story: heart-beating, retracing the steps of Moses, troubled and listening for the voice of God anew. This week we learn …

Church in a Cave

Lent is an invitation. Each year it opens for us on Ash Wednesday like the mouth of a cave. It is the cave of Elijah, running from a death threat, heart beating and listening for the voice of God. It is the cave of our desert mothers and fathers, retreating from the excesses of the imperial cities and sitting in the quiet; weaving a basket and finding in the practice the touch of the Divine. It is the cave of our origins and the threshold of the via negativa, an ancient walk through shadows and into the heart of God. It is the cave of our new worship venue, as we say goodbye to sunlight and wind in the trees and instead draw our attention to the flicker of flame and the vibration of voice.