The Poor You Always Have With You

The poor you always have with you. We are almost 50 years past the first Poor People’s campaign. Still, as the Kairos center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice puts it: We are experiencing unprecedented poverty in the midst of plenty; unnecessary abandonment in spite of unheard abundance. The poor you always have with you. At least 46.5 million people, …

America, We Must Be Born Again

For the homily today, we’ll follow important conversations from three major players: Nicodemus, the Samaritan Woman, and James Baldwin. Nicodemus: The Vulnerability of Rebirth First, Nicodemus. When Jesus tells Nicodemus he must be born again, Nicodemus asks how a grown man can go back into his mother’s womb. More than an Oedipus complex, Nicodemus’s apparent misunderstanding is a rhetorical ploy …

Creation Care for Christians: Wrapping Up

by Lizbet Palmer This past Sunday, we finished out our series on Creation Care by talking about the events of this past weekend, and the dangers of “othering” both people and the environment. We lamented, and then we talked about why we have hope. I have hope, because I see so many people who are angry at injustice and are …