Stir Up, We Beseech Thee

When I was semi-serious about marathon running, it was all-consuming. Running up to 70 miles in a week takes a lot of time. But it’s not just the running itself. Running told me what to eat. Running told me when to sleep and how much. Running told me what to do at night. Running organized my life; it was the …

Signs of the Times

Those who know me know I love a good apocalypse.  That means this is my favorite time of the liturgical year.  As we slide into Advent, the lectionary turns to signs and warnings of the inevitable end.  Not really what we have come to expect as retailers have for weeks told us it is Christmas time.  As much as we …

All Saints, All Souls

The fun and frolic of Halloween is over for the year, with empty candy wrappers and well-worn costumes set aside as evidence of the revelry. Our friend Stephanie Wyatt used to remind me that when changes are happening and people are scared, we like to throw parties.  It’s a way of trying to embrace the mystery rather than run from …